when do I pay VAT and when can I get a 0% tax invoice ?

Categories: before I buy, payments

For deliveries outside the Netherlands, our tax authorities look at the VAT number and the country where the products are delivered. To be able to deliver VAT free, the following rules apply:

The invoice and delivery address are in the same EU country and you have a valid VAT number. If the invoice address is within the EU and you want to have the goods delivered in another country within the EU (excluding the Netherlands), you must enter a valid VAT number of the recipient. If the invoice address is outside the EU and you want to have the goods delivered within the EU (excluding the Netherlands), you must enter a valid VAT number of the recipient. If both the invoice address and the delivery address are in a country outside the EU, the VAT is waived (0% delivery).


You have a company in Switzerland and you want to have products delivered in Germany. You must enter a valid VAT number of the German company (recipient). If you do not have a valid VAT number of the recipient, we are obliged to charge VAT. You can also choose to have products delivered in Switzerland. If the invoice and delivery address are both in Switzerland, we can deliver without VAT. Please note, the costs for importing the products are for the recipient. You have a company in Germany and want to have products delivered in the Netherlands. We are then obliged to charge VAT, because the delivery address is in the Netherlands and we are a Dutch company. You can choose to use the address in Germany as the invoice and delivery address and arrange the transport for the products yourself. You have a company in Canada. Canada is outside the EU and therefore you receive products VAT free. Please note, the costs for importing the products are for the recipient. If you do not enter a VAT number when ordering, Dutch VAT will be automatically charged. Therefore, always check whether you have a valid VAT number. As soon as your invoice has been processed by our tax authorities, we can no longer change this. If you want to reclaim the VAT, you must do this at the tax authorities in your own country.

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