can I set to claw machine to always win

Category: claw machines

Yes, (and a bit No). There are a few ways to guarantee a prize for your players.

  • 1. you can set the machine to free play. This way players can keep playing as long as they want, so also until they win a prize. But even after they win a prize they can keep playing. Not the best option for unsupervised play.
  • 2. you can set the machine to paid play, with a very long countdown timer. In the menu you can then set the machine to void the turn once a prize has passed through the prize detector. This will almost always guarantee a prize per payment, unless the player takes more time than you have set in the playtime menu option. (you can also set the menu to void the turn after 2 or 3 or …. prizes, depending on what you want)

tip : if you do not want people to have to “pay” for prizes, but also do not want them to empty your machine, use our tokens. Give away tokens and set the machine to give our 1 prize per token (or 2 or 3 or whatever amount you set in the menu). This way you have full control over your machine and it’s payouts.

Tags: always prize, free prize, pay to play, token
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